Anti-Phishing Software to Protect You from Email Attacks and Spam

Graphus is an advanced anti-phishing solution that helps you protect your Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace email by using AI to stop both known and zero-day threats.

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  ChannelPro SMB Forum 2021 Winner - Most Innovation Solution ChannelPro SMB Forum 2021 Winner - Most Innovation Solution

Protect Your Inboxes From Advanced Email Threats

Graphus is an automated email security platform that helps you protect every employee inbox from email-borne attacks and fraud.
Our patented AI stops Ransomware, Business Email Compromise (BEC), Account Takeover (ATO) and other dangerous cyber attacks.

Deploy in Minutes

Activate Graphus in just 3 clicks to start shielding your organization from email attacks.

Stop Advanced Email Attacks

Detect and block malicious emails before your employees can interact with them.

Automated Alerts and Defense

Get instant threat alerts, automated quarantine and streamlined investigation to ease your IT admin’s burden.

Personal Spam Filter

Graphus lets users block unwanted emails with one click and tailors spam protection based on their preferences.

Phishing 101: How to Protect Against Phishing Attacks

Delve into the world of phishing, the strategies of cyber criminals and our suggested safeguards. With 85% of all cyberattacks starting with phishing, it is an eternally popular and growing category of cybercrime. Do you know how to defend against attacks?

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Discover The Power of Our Anti-Phishing Software

Graphus is an automated anti-phishing software solution that helps you defend against advanced threats. From spear phishing and BEC to spoofing, social engineering and spam, we help you protect your organization.

  • Advanced AI Email Security

    Automatically protect against phishing, adjust to new threats and prevent attacks from reaching your users. Graphus’ AI technology helps you detect and respond to advanced threats before they do any damage.
  • Email Warning Banner

    Help users spot suspicious messages with our interactive EmployeeShield email banner. Graphus explains why a message may be a threat and gives users the ability to report phishing or mark it as safe in one click.
  • Automatic Alerts & Quarantine

    Automatically quarantine suspicious emails with Graphus to maximize your security without additional IT workload. Receive instant alerts when attacks are quarantined.
  • Effortless Cloud Deployment

    Deploy in minutes to Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace via API. With Graphus, there are no time-consuming configurations or email traffic rerouting.

  • Intuitive Security Reporting

    Gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your email security, risk levels and types of attacks. Our reports have a beautifully designed layout that simplifies data understanding.

  • User-Friendly Admin Portal

    Easily monitor for suspicious messages and investigate them safely in our management portal. You can adjust settings and remove malicious emails for all recipients in one click.

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Graphus’ Recent Innovations in Email Security

We are dedicated to driving forward email security innovations. We aim to provide cutting-edge features and capabilities that enhance your organizations’ security and streamline your workflows.


See How Graphus Works

Graphus is an automated anti-phishing software solution that protects your Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace email. Graphus puts three advanced layers of security between email attacks and your organization.

  • TrustGraph automatically detects and quarantines malicious emails
  • EmployeeShield adds warning banners to suspicious messages to encourage users to use additional caution
  • Phish911 empowers users to report suspicious emails for IT to review
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Why Do Users Choose Graphus for Their Phishing Defense?

Graphus is easy to set up and manage, adds the needed protection custom tailored to our organization, helps the end user learn about bad emails through the warning banners, and has a place to forward questionable emails that may not contain a banner. This, combined with the low cost, makes this product a great fit for our organization!

Thompson Knows
John Hadden IT Project Manager Thompson Knows

As an MSP working with startups, some of our clients process 500,000 emails monthly and Graphus keeps up with the quantity and filters out the malicious and suspicious content, making it feasible for our techs to review only the emails flagged

MARFi Systems
Danny Mehdi-Tash Founder & CEO MARFI Systems, Inc.

Graphus is simple to implement, and the protection it offers is great. Clients are very happy with the security provided by Graphus.

Network Integrated Technologies
James Richards Technical Team Leader Network IT

My favorite thing about Graphus is the ease of onboarding new clients. The setup is a breeze compared to other options on the market. It allows me to have an easy-to-implement security product for my clients and at an affordable rate.

Sulli Digital
Bill Sullivan CTO Sulli Digital

In a time when phishing is front and center, it's great to have Graphus providing security and protection. It is powerful and easy to use and manage.

Royal Network IT Solutions
John Sheftic Vice President Royal Network IT Solutions

What I like the most about Graphus is that it’s effective and simple to administer. We work with many clients and Graphus makes managing that easy. The onboarding experience was really good.

John Gray IT Technician Refresh IT

Graphus is easy and smart! I run a very thin staff, and it’s great to know that work is done for me without extra effort or expense.

Marsha Gazy Owner TeamLogic IT

The support at Graphus is far superior to any other that I have ever experienced. And that says a great deal since I’ve been in the industry for over 31 years. The product is a great fit for our MSP because it provides our customers with a layer of needed protection.

Nicholas Sella System Analyst Ascension IT

Frequently Asked Questions about Graphus and Anti-Phishing Software

Frequently asked questions regarding Graphus, anti-phishing software and protection measures. To view more FAQs, check out our Graphus FAQ page.

Anti-phishing protection is the security measures that organizations take to prevent or mitigate a phishing attack. This can be provided by email security software that can do things like stop the delivery of email to an end user by placing malicious messages into quarantine.
A quality anti-phishing solution offers an array of benefits like:
  • Clear, real-time threat data
  • Fast, accurate alerts to IT admins
  • A thorough message analysis
  • Automated productivity tools that make management easy
  • Tools to help users make better decisions
  • Warnings at the top of messages to alert users of potential danger
  • An easy way for users to report a phishing attempt or mark a message as safe
  • A minimal false positive rate
  • Constant accuracy improvement

There are a number of techniques that IT professionals employ to defend organizations from phishing. Security awareness training can help make employees more aware of phishing-related threats. Phishing simulators are also an effective way to train employees to spot phishing red flags.

Organizations also use a variety of email security tools to filter out suspicious email messages. Secure Email Gateways (SEGs) were once the most popular choice, but technology has changed since their inception. Some organizations also rely on the built-in security that comes with Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace. One of the most effective and affordable ways for companies to reduce phishing risk is to opt for an AI-powered email security solution that can block phishing messages before employees can interact with them.

The core of Graphus’ protection is a patented AI technology that analyzes historical and real-time communication patterns to protect you against highly sophisticated social engineering and zero-day attacks. Graphus applies this protection in three layers — it automatically quarantines malicious emails, warns recipients of suspicious emails via dynamic banners and allows recipients to report questionable emails to the IT administrator for investigation.

Communicate with confidence knowing that your inboxes are safe from even the most sophisticated cyberattacks and social engineering scams

Put the power of Graphus AI to work for your business and get three shields of defense against phishing attacks in minutes.
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